3 Invaluable Business Lessons
🌸🌸🌸3 invaluable lessons my business coach has taught me...
I’ve worked with a business coach – the wise and wonderful Breda Ferarrio – from before Bloom Project Management was even a seed of an idea. If you’re serious about growing your company, I’d definitely recommend working with a coach, so long as you find someone you work well with. Here’s the three most-important lessons I’ve learned (so far!) during my time with Breda.
🌸1. Understand your ‘why’ The starting point for Breda’s coaching was to get to the ‘why’ of Bloom. Why did I really want to start this business and what was I looking to get out of it? When you initially answer that question – or think you do – and someone just keeps saying, ‘but why do you want that?’, ‘why is that important to you?’, you gradually get to the root of your motivation for starting that business. And really understanding the ‘why’ has given me the strongest of foundations for Bloom, because I’m in no doubt of what is most important to me.
🌸2. Don’t take it personally When you start a business it’s all-consuming and it’s good to be reminded that business is just that, it’s not personal. However, learning to remove the emotion from something you’re so completely invested in is a challenge and I definitely needed Breda’s help with that. It’s a process worth going through, though, because project management is all about winning business through relationships. If I took it personally every time something didn’t quite work out, then I’d be an emotional mess! Keeping everything in perspective is definitely key.
🌸3. Remember the business basics There were some very basic functions in running a business that I didn’t appreciate when I started. After all, I’d come from a big corporate firm where different people performed all those roles. Breda taught me that just because there’s only me in the business, it doesn’t mean that all business processes don’t need to be followed – it’s vital whatever the scale or size of the company. So, I pay bills, I manage capacity, I deal with all the operational side – and a million other things! But I’ve learned that all the hats I wear must be properly balanced for the business to work and having proper function in place is crucial to this.
Whether you’re actively looking for a project manager or would just like to start a conversation, I would love to hear from you!
Yaeger Irwin is the founder and owner of Bloom Project Management Limited. She is passionate about her work, having spent the last 20 years delivering complex and high-profile projects to a wide range of satisfied clients. Get in touch to find out how Bloom could help with your next project.