Value #2

Bloom core values: #2 Embrace

My business Bloom might be only just over a year old, but that’s a long time in the life of a young project management company. There have been a lot of lessons learned, but one of the most powerful ones was setting out my core values for the business. This was a huge part of founding the company. Not only do they demonstrate to the outside world what we’re about, but they also centre and ground me, bringing me back to what’s fundamental to my business.

Embrace new opportunities

We’re not only open to fresh ideas, we welcome them with open arms. This value reflects our keenness to approach new opportunities and changes with enthusiasm and energy. As a start-up company, we have the flexibility to find a way through any challenge, whether that is via internal collaboration or external partnerships. Bloom is definitely all about embracing change.

 Does this value resonate with your business? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts – and perhaps we should work together!

 Whether you’re actively looking for a project manager or would just like to start a conversation, I would love to hear from you!

Yaeger Irwin is the founder and owner of Bloom Project Management Limited. She is passionate about her work, having spent the last 20 years delivering complex and high-profile projects to a wide range of satisfied clients. Get in touch to find out how Bloom could help with your next project.


Value #3


Value #1