Value #3
Bloom core values: #3 - Inspire
One of the great pleasures of setting up your own company is deciding what will be its defining features. When I started Bloom, my project management company, I wanted a culture that is more open and flexible, giving all those involved the chance to grow and develop. It’s a different approach to the corporate world, but the one that feels right for me.
As such, my core values are a bit different too. I’ve dug into the thinking behind my Integrity and Embrace values in previous posts so do check back if you haven’t seen them. Here, I explore the third value, Inspire.
We want to Inspire
Our aspiration is to motivate and inspire creativity in others. It’s about high energy, igniting passion and certainly not following the norm. If we can inspire our team and clients alike to be energised in their daily work, this can only make a positive impact on individuals, projects and, ultimately, the industry as a whole. We want everyone who interacts with Bloom to feel inspired!
I hope this has inspired you to think about the core values of your business too. Let me know your thoughts in comments and do please get in touch if you’d like to hear more about Bloom.
Whether you’re actively looking for a project manager or would just like to start a conversation, I would love to hear from you!
Yaeger Irwin is the founder and owner of Bloom Project Management Limited. She is passionate about her work, having spent the last 20 years delivering complex and high-profile projects to a wide range of satisfied clients. Get in touch to find out how Bloom could help with your next project.