Looking for a man in finance?

Looking for a man in finance?!

Ok he's not 6'5", he's 5’10” and got dark eyes, not blue. BUT he can talk trust funds... Gem Ibrahim DipPFS was just a contact on LinkedIn a few months ago, but now he’s an integral part of the present and future of Bloom Project Management. Here’s just a few of the reasons why my ‘man in finance’ is such an asset…

🌸 Right time, right place

In the early days of Bloom, Gem reached out to me on LinkedIn with what was effectively a sales pitch, but he made me think, ‘oh, I don’t have any of this in place’. I’d been so focused on starting the business and trying to win some work that I hadn’t thought about protecting myself financially. That initial call with Gem came at exactly the right moment.

🌸 Breaking it down

When you work for a corporate firm, as I did, you don’t have to think about your personal package – you sign a contract and you have sick pay, pension and life insurance all laid on. I was the proud owner of Bloom, but Gem pointed out that I was also now responsible for pension input, insurance and income protection should things go horribly wrong. It was a huge wake-up call to realise that I just hadn’t stopped to consider this.

🌸 Tailored to fit

As well as putting me in touch with the right people to sort out all the above, Gem has been brilliant at tailoring his advice to my level of risk and the aspects that are important to me. So, how do I cover my family? How do I pay the mortgage if I get ill? What do I have to do financially to make it sustainable to retire in 15 to 20 years’ time? And this has helped to shape my primary business model to ensure all of this is in place.

🌸 Looking to the future

My second business model is to grow Bloom. But how do I, as a start-up, create a financial package which is attractive to potential employees compared to what an established company can offer? How do I provide that level of security for people who are understandably risk averse? Gem has given me real support in laying the groundwork to make it both viable and beneficial for future employees to join the company. He’s helped to take that from a possibility on the horizon to something that’s hopefully round the corner (more on this to come!). As such, I’ll be keeping Gem on speed dial – I couldn’t do without him now! 

 Could Gem Ibrahim DipPFS be the man in finance your business needs? If so, find him on LinkedIn!

Whether you’re actively looking for a project manager or would just like to start a conversation, I would love to hear from you!

Yaeger Irwin is the founder and owner of Bloom Project Management Limited. She is passionate about her work, having spent the last 20 years delivering complex and high-profile projects to a wide range of satisfied clients. Get in touch to find out how Bloom could help with your next project.


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